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Our Partner : Peoples-Uni

Our Partner : Peoples-Uni
Peoples Open Access Education Initiative
About Peoples-Uni

The People’s Open Access Educational Initiative (Peoples-uni) aims to contribute towards public health capacity building, through the provision of online education for public health practitioners through certificate and diploma courses.

In a partnership across the global and digital divides, the People’s Open Access Education Initiative ( has been established to embrace three aspects. First, identifying open-access materials linked to the competences required to tackle public health problems, with subsequent modifications to the materials by teachers and students to reflect local issues. Second, teaching through online facilitation by volunteers in conjunction with members of local universities. Third, accrediting learned competences.

Courses Offered

There are two kinds of course module to be offered, 'Foundation Sciences' (covering basic theory for the practice of Public Health), and 'Public Heath problems' (covering the major health problems to be found). A Certificate can be made up from any combination of 4 course modules, but a Diploma should contain at least two course modules from each group and 10 in total.

A) Foundation Sciences of Public Health:
• Introduction to Epidemiology and
Research Methods
• Biostatistics
• Evidence Based Practice
• Health Economics
• Public Health Concepts for Policy Makers

B) Public Health Problems:
• Maternal Mortality
• Preventing Child Mortality
• Disaster Management and Emergency Planning.
• Communicable Disease Surveillance and Control

How You Can Contribute?

PU is in the process of identifying partners across India in collaboration with Qihec . We anticipate three levels of partnerships development from network, competence to implementation partner respectively.

Observing this, we foresee that our prospective partners will range form acadmecias, non-profit organizations to various government departments depending on the relevance and feasibility.

1) Formal educational establishments (Acadmecias): Institution imparting education on health management, social work, nursing and medical sciences.

2) NGO sector: To design and deliver specialized modules on particular health problem like HIV/AIDS, blindness, maternal and child health in association with NGOs working on those issues.

3) Regional and Central Governmental Departments: Becoming a resource centre for training managers at various levels on specific courses. Promoting association with state/district health society.